コレクション: Visual Basic Medicine 2nd Edition - DVD

“Visual Basic Medicine/ 2nd Edition” (13 volumes) is an entirely renewed version of its best-sold first series. With images and CG animations, it visually provides the basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology generally required for medical staff members or medical students. The series can also be used at different situations for the purpose of teaching or lecturing “Introduction to Medicine.”

Visual Basic Medicine 2nd Edition






    • 定価:¥457,600
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥434,720

    “Visual Basic Medicine/ 2nd Edition” (13 volumes) is an entirely renewed version of its best-sold first series. With images and CG animations, it visually provides the basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology generally required for medical staff members or medical students. The series can also be used at different situations for the purpose of teaching or lecturing “Introduction to Medicine.”


    [Vol.01] Cell and Tissue

    [Vol.02] Nervous System

    [Vol.03] Circulatory System

    [Vol.04] Respiratory System

    [Vol.05] Skeletal and Muscle System

    [Vol.06] Digestive System

    [Vol.07] Urinary System

    [Vol.08] Reproductive System

    [Vol.09] Endocrine System

    [Vol.10] Blood

    [Vol.11] Skin and Sensory System

    [Vol.12] Infection

    [Vol.13] Immune System

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program introduces the structure and mechanism of cell such as the function of cell membranes mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. It also examines cell division tumors caused by irregular cell cycle death of a cell etc.

     ●Basic Structure of a Cell
       ・Cytoplasm ~Prasma Membrane
       ・Cell Organelles・Cytoplasmic Matrix
     ●Cell Activities
      〇Cell Cycle
      〇Regulation of Cell Cycle
      〇Epithelial Tissue
      〇Connective and Supportive Tissue
      〇Muscular Tissue
      〇Nervous Tissue

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program explains the mechanism of central nervous system such as cerebrum cerebellum and spinal cord and that of peripheral nervous system. It also examines the mechanism of transmission of information the role of various phalangeal cells automatic nervous system etc.

      〇Nerve cells(Neurons)
       ・Excitation of neurons
      〇Supporting cells
      〇Subdivision of nervous system ~Cerebrum
       ・Spinal cord
     ●Supporting tissues・Blood vessels
      〇Supporting tissues
      〇Blood circulation system of brain
     ●Neural pathways
      〇Introduction ~Patellar tendon reflex
      〇Pathway for sensory information
      〇Pathway for voluntary movements
      〇Regulation of movements
      〇Pathway in autonomic nervous system ~Ending

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program examines the structure of heart heart stroke heart sound cardiac contractility cardiac cycle and heart failure. It also explores the role of vein lymphoid system and their aberrations such as hypertension arteriosclerosis and edema.

      〇Introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Mechanism of heart beat
      〇Mechanism of cardiac contraction
       ・Cardiac muscle tension/Regulation of contraction
      〇Cardiac cycle
       ・Cardiac Valves
      〇Development of heart
       ・Congenital heart disease
      〇Heart failure
     ●Vessels and Lymphatic system
      〇Introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Artery-related dysfunction
      〇Blood capillary
      〇Lymphatic system

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program examines the structures of lung respiratory tract the exchange and transportation of blood gas the pH scale control and respiratory system disorders such as bronchitis and fibroid lung. It also looks at the structures and functions of pleural respiratory muscles and other abnormal respiratory patterns.

     ●Airway and lungs
      〇introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Mechanism of breathing
      〇Regulation of pH
      〇Breathing mechanism test
      〇Airway/pulmonary disorders
       ・Obstructive pulmonary diseases
       ・Restrictive lung diseases
       ・Lung cancer
       ・Respiratory tract infection
     ●Pulmonary circulation
      〇Introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Pulmonary circulation disorder
     ●Respiratory muscles and nervous system
      〇Introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Regulation of respiration rhythms

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program introduces types and structures of bones bone metabolism fractures kinds of arthritic its diseases such as bone dislocation etc. It also covers the structures and functions of muscles muscular contraction electromyogram etc.

      〇Structure of Long Bones
       ・Growth of Bones
      〇Bone Metabolism
       ・Regulation of Bone Metabolism
       ・Bone Formation and Exercise
       ・Bone Metabolism Markers
      〇Structure of Joints
       ・Joints Injuries
     ●Skeletal Muscles and Tendons
      〇Muscle Contraction
       ・Energy for Muscle Contraction
       ・Types of Muscle Fibers
       ・Patterns of Muscle Contraction
      〇Injuries of Skeletal Muscles and Tendons

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program illustrates the anatomy and workings of digestive system including oral cavity esophagus stomach small and large intestine liver gallbladder and pancreas. It also introduces tumor of digestive tract hepatitis cirrhosis hepatoma gallstones and other digestive system diseases.

     ●Oral Cavity ~Esophagus
      〇Introduction ~Swallowing
      〇Diseases of the Esophagus
     ●Stomach ~Duodenum
      〇Introduction ~Stomach
      〇Disorders of the Stomach and Duodenum
     ●Small Intestine
       ・Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients
       ・Nerve Plexus
       ・Immune System
      〇Diseases of Small Intestine
     ●Large Intestine
      〇Diseases of Large Intestine
     ●Liver・Biliary System・Pancreas
      〇Introduction ~Liver
       ・Metabolism of Nutrients
       ・Viral Hepatitis
       ・Hepatocellular Carcinoma
      〇Biliary System
       ・Biliary Disorders

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program explains the structures of kidney urinary tract the mechanisms of urine production and how kidney controls body fluid volume blood pressure and the pH scale. It also introduceskidney related diseases such as glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy.

      〇Introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Production of Urine
      〇Regulation of Water
      〇Regulation of GFR and Blood Pressure
      〇Regulation of pH
      〇Promotion of Erythrocytes Production
      〇Kidney Diseases Glomerulopathy
       ・Secondary Kidney Diseases
       ・Hypertensive Nephropathy
       ・Malignant Tumors
     ●Urinary Tract
      〇Introduction ~Anatomy
      〇Regulation of Micturition
      〇Urinary Tract Disorders
       ・Urinary Tract Infection
       ・Urinary Calculosis
       ・Urethral Carcinoma

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program explains the structures and functions of male and female genital organs and major illness such as prostatomegaly and ovarian tumor. It also examines the mechanisms and process of pregnancy etc.

     ●Development of Reproductive Organs
      〇Introduction ~Differentiation of Gonads
      〇Development of External Genitalia
     ●Male Reproductive Organs
      〇Genital Tract and Accessory Gland of Men
       ・Erection ~Mechanism of Ejaculation
      〇Diseases of Male Reproductive Organs
     ●Female Reproductive Organs
      〇Introduction ~Ovaries
      〇Female Sex Hormones
      〇Female Genital Tract
       ・Ovarian Cycle
       ・Vagina・External Genitalia
      〇Diseases of Female Reproductive Organs
      〇Introduction ~Fertilization

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program explains the structures and functions of hormone and endocrine glands including hypothalamus thyroid glands accessory thyroid glands and adrenal glands. It also introduces diseases caused by endocrine disorders such as Cushing syndrome diabetes etc.

     ●Characteristics of Hormones
     ●Hypothalamus・Pituitary Gland
      〇Pars Anterior
      〇Function and Diseases of Adenohypophyseal Hormones
      〇Posterior Pituitary
      〇Roles and Diseases of Posterior Pituitary
     ●Thyroid・Parathyroid Glands
      〇Introduction ~Thyroid Glands
      〇Roles and Diseases of Thyroid Hormones
      〇Parathyroid Glands
      〇Function and Diseases of Parathyroid Hormone
     ●Islets of Langerhans
      〇Insulin ~Diabetes
     ●Adrenal Glands
      〇Adrenal Cortex
      〇Adrenal Medulla
     ●Other Endocrine Tissues
      〇Gastrointestinal Tract
      〇Pineal Gland ~Ending

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program examines the structures and functions of blood cell components (erythrocyte leukocyte and thrombocyte) and types of blood related diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia. It also introduces kinds of information that can be obtained from serums.

     ●Red Blood Cells
      〇Production of Red Blood Cells
      〇Blood Cell Counts
      〇Function of Red Blood Cells
     ●White Blood Cells
      〇Production and Function of White Blood Cells
      〇Production of Platelets
      〇Function of Platelets
      〇Blood Coagulation System
     ●Blood Types
     ●Serum Composition

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program explains the structures and functions of visual olfactory auditory tactile and gustatory organs. It also introduces various types of diseases related to sensory system such as color vision disorder difficulty in hearing and Meniere's disease.

     ●Visual Organs
      〇Regulating Function
      〇Information Processing of Retina
      〇Fundus Image
      〇Optic Nerve
     ●Auditory Organs
      〇Outer Ear・Middle Ear
      〇Inner Ear
      〇Sensorineural Organs
      〇Sense of Equilibrium
     ●Olfactory Organs
     ●Taste Organs
      〇Taste Cells
     ●Integumentary Systems
      〇Functions of Skin

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program illustrates the mechanisms of infection types of pathogenic microbes and how to inspect them and how to prevent infection with sterilization antibacterial drugs etc.

     ●Mechanism of Infectious Disease
      〇Bacterial Infection
      〇Viral Infection
      〇Host Defenses
     ●Varios Primay Pathgens
     ●Detection Methods of Pathogens
     ●Antimicrobaial Agents
      〇Mechanism of Action of Antimicrobial Agents
      〇Resistance Mechanism
     ●Infection Prevention
      〇Interruptiong the Routes of Transmission
      〇Enhancement of Host Defenses Against Infection
      〇Elimination of Pathogens Methods of Disinfection

    • 定価:¥35,200
    • オンラインショップ価格:¥33,440

    This program explains the mechanisms of immune reactions and various types of allergies caused by autoimmune disorder immunodeficiency and by other factors. With an example of tuberculosis and vaccine it also explains types of infections their prevention etc.

     ●Immune System Function
      〇Nonspecific Response
      〇Adaptive Immune Response
     ●Immune Deficiency
      〇Hypersensitivity:Type I Allergy
      〇Type II,III,and IV Allergy
      〇Autoimmune Diseases
      〇Immunodeficiency Diseases
     ●Infection Prevention by the Immune System
      〇Infectious Diseases:Tuberculosis
      〇Infection Prevention:Vaccine